Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Be Different

A year ago, I joined the Junior Leagues of Birmingham to not only meet new people, but to get more involved in the community. This past weekend, we held our annual Mistletoe Event at Cloverleaf Fine Wine in Royal Oak which was a huge success. While it was a new venue for the league, it turned out quite well. The two story space has a modern loft feel to it with exposed pipes and beams which supported our cocktail event. Along with a wonderful band and plenty of wine and appetizers, there was a silent auction with a large array of wonderful items to choose from.

The reason I am mentioning all of this is that there are so many great places in Michigan to hold an event and that if you really want to be creative and different, you can absolutely make your wedding or special event something to remember. I challenge you to think differently for your next big event. If you have any examples of doing something a little bit different that you would like to share, please e-mail me at mrosenthal@merrittrosenthal.com . I look forward to your responses.

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